Thursday, January 13, 2011

For Now, Just Some Pictures


  1. Wow, forget Team Rob and Team Jon, every red-blooded American male is going to sign up for Team Sansa as soon as this show airs!!

  2. wow, these are great pictures. Sophie Turner is absolutely gorgeous - she is just perfect for this role, now I wish the character of her mother had been cast as perfectly.

  3. How old is Sophie Turner? She looks absolutely stunning, but I thought the character Sansa was fairly young...Sophie looks young in some respects, but is this a case of finding an actress who can play a younger role even if she isn't? I'm just curious if they will avoid certain scenes if she is still nearly as young as her character? And I'd prefer not to be too freaked out if I find out she really is only 13 or something.

  4. Wow, what awesome pictures. Sophie is going to make a wonderful Sansa!!! I can't wait to see her on screen, she'll be the biggest surprise in the show, for all the readers who have disliked the character. How can you not love this girl?
